Movie Review: Man of Steel 2013

I'm not actually a superman fanatic, but boredom persuaded me to watch the movie, specially that I saw that finally superman knew how to wear his undies.

The story delved on Superman's quest for the truth behind his past The film was so serious, what I had in mind was an more action packed film and Caville (superman) has lesser lines. his character was serious, dark and was not so romantic. But the movie did not fail to narrate how the Man of Steel was created. His history was intense, full of hope, and cunning. They really did good in creating the identity and character of superman, at first he looked like a lost and unfit kid who is searching for something he don't know, which thereafter changed into a man with pride, stand and sense of justice. The Jor-El (Russell Crowe) character was amusing, he was my best character in the movie. The wise, humane(although they are not human), and idealism were the factors that sunk into my mind.

I'm really looking forward for the sequel of this movie.

Rating the movie from 1-10, and 10 being the highest. I give "Man of Steel":
9.5 -  for the visual effects
8.3 - for the story
7.5 - for the action
7.0 - for the romance

for an Overall rating of 8.0.


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