People of the Philippines vs Hon. Francisco Men Abad, Julius Robles, Eduardo Bandao, Marcos Oyagon, Daguyo Uyang, Udulon Lattod, Buccahan Mundiguing, Junior Mundiguing, Piwit Tundagui, Guinomon Chonga-Ap, Fernando Tid-Ong, Julio Ballogan, Fernan Gaggo, Carmen Gaggo and Balbina Pocya
People of the Philippines vs Hon. Francisco Men Abad, Julius Robles, Eduardo Bandao, Marcos Oyagon, Daguyo Uyang, Udulon Lattod, Buccahan Mundiguing, Junior Mundiguing, Piwit Tundagui, Guinomon Chonga-Ap, Fernando Tid-Ong, Julio Ballogan, Fernan Gaggo, Carmen Gaggo and Balbina Pocya GR No. L-55132 August 30, 1988 Facts: Director of Mines issued a commercial lease permit to Felix de Castro (Felix) to quarry, extract, and carry away sand and gravel at Banaue, Ifugao. Felix filed a criminal case against respondents (Robles, Bandao, Oyagon, Uyang, Lattod, Buccahan Mundiguing, Junior Mundiguing, Tundagui, Chonga-Ap, Tid-Ong, Ballogan, Fernan Gaggo, Carmen Gaggo and Pocya) for "Theft of Minerals." Respondent contended that there is no crime committed for they had...