Case Digest: LBP vs Honeycomb Farms Corp GR No 166259
Case Digest: LBP vs Honeycomb Farms Corp GR No 166259 November 12, 2012 Facts: Honeycomb Farms Corp. (HFC) is a registered owner of a parcel of land covered by TCT No. T-2550 with an area of 29.0966 hectares. Through a letter HFC voluntarily offered its land to the DAR for acquisition pursuant to CARP for P 581,932.00 @ P 20,000.00 per hectare. The DAR and LBP determined an acquirable and compensable area of 27.5871 hectares while the remaining were excluded for being hilly and underdeveloped. LBP pursuant to DAR-AO No. 6 fixed the value of the land in the amount of P 165,739.44. HFC rejected the said valuation and filed with the DARAB a petition for determination of just compensation. HFC claimed that the just compensation sh...