Case Digest: LBP vs Montinola-Escarilla and Co Inc GR No 178046

LBP vs Montinola-Escarilla and Co., Inc.
GR No 178046                                                                        June 13, 2012

Montinola-Escarilla and Co., Inc., (MECO) is the owner of a parcel of agricultural land covered by OCT No. T-70 with an area of 159.0881 hectares was acquired by the government under RA 6657. LBP initially valued the subject land at P 823,204.08 but MECO rejected the valuation. Pending summary administrative proceedings for determination of just compensation before the RARAD, MECO filed a complaint for determination of just compensation before the RTC which appointed 4 Board of Commissioners (BOC) to evaluate and appraise the just compensation for the subject property covering 4.4825 hectares of rainfed rice land and 154.6056 hectares of idle land. Then the RARAD rendered a decision fixing the just compensation at P 823,204.08. The BOC was not able to come up iwth a unified valuation of the subject property.

The RTC fixed the just compensation of the property at P 7,927,660.60 plus attorney's fee, they gave credence to the report submitted by Asian, though it did not followed its valuation and instead fixed a lower values but nevertheless higher than those recommended by the BOC.

The CA in its ruling said that LBP did not consider all the factors in determining just compensation, and adopted the BOC's report and deleted the award attorney's fee for being improper. 

What is the proper just compensation for the said property.

The SC ruled that in determining just compensation, the fair market value of an expropriated property is determined by its:

  1. character;
  2. price;and
  3. the time of taking
both the RTC and CA considered its actual use at the time of appraisal and reclassified the property and that the case is remanded for determination of just compensation.


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