Case Digest: LBP vs Spouses Rosa and Pedro Costo GR No 174647

LBP vs Spouses Rosa and Pedro Costo 

GR No 174647                                                                December 5, 2012

Rosa and Pedro Costo (Spouses Costo) are registered owner of a parcel of land covered by OCT No. P-6487 with an area of 9.1936 hectares. Spouses Costo voluntarily offered the said property to the DAR under CARP and its implementing rules. 7.3471 hectares was deemed qualified for acquisition, consequently LBP comuted and valued the said land in the amount of P 104,077.01. Spouses Costo then rejected the valuation and filed a determination of just compensation with the PARAD.

PARAD then recomputed the land valuation and fixed the value of the property at P 468,575.92. LBP then sought relief from SAC and filed a petition for just compensation. SAC sustained the valuation of PARAD. On appeal, the LBP contended that LBP is charged with the responsibility of determining the value of lands placed under land reform and the compensation to be paid for their taking under the voluntary offer to sell or compulsory acquisition arrangement.

How is just compensation determined?

Under Sec. 17 or RA 6657, in determining just compensation, the following must be considered:
  1. the acquisition cost of the land;
  2. the current value of the properties;
  3. its nature, actual use, and income;
  4. the sworn valuation by the owner;
  5. the tax declarations;
  6. the assessment may by the government assessors;
  7. the social and economic benefits contributed by the farmers and farmworkers, and by the government to the property; and
  8. non-payment of taxes or loans secured from any government financing institution on the said land, in any.

In a previous case the court ruled that the factors enumerated under Sec. 17 of RA 6657 has already been translated into a basic formula (LBP vs Celada,), to wit:
LV = Land Value;
CNI = Capitalized Net Income;
CS = Comparable Sales;
MV = Market Value per Tax Declaration.

If the three factors are present, the basic formula is LV = (CN*0.6) + (CS*0.3) + (MV*0.1), otherwise the following shall govern:
CS is not present: LV = (CNI*0.9) + (MV*0.1);
CNI is not present: LV = (CS*0.9) = (MV*0.1);
Both CNI and CS are not present: LV = MV*2
But, in no case shall the value of idle land using formula MV*2 exceed the lowest value of land within the same estate under consideration or within the same barangay or municipality approved by LBP within 1 year from receipt of claimholder.

After the evaluation of evidence on both parties, the court decided in favor of respondent affirming the decision of the lower courts.


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