Case Digest: Ramiscal Jr vs SANDIGANBAYAN and People of the Philippines GR Nos 172476-99

Ramiscal Jr vs SANDIGANBAYAN and People of the Philippines

GR Nos 172476-99                                                                         September 15, 2010

Ramiscal Jr (Ramiscal) was a retired officer of AFP and the former president of AFP-Retirement and Separation Benefits System (AFP-RSBS). During his incumbency, the BOD of AFP-RSBS approved the acquisition of 15,020 sq. m. of land for development as housing projects. On August 1, 1997 AFP-RSBS as represented by Ramiscal Jr., and Flaviano the attorney-in-fact of 12 individual vendors executed and signed a bilateral Deed of Sale (1st Deed) over the subject property at the agreed price of P 10,500.00 per sq. m. After the payment @ P 10,500.00 per sq. m., Flaviano executed and signed a unilateral Deed of Sale (2nd Deed) over the same property with a purchase price of P 3,000.00 per sq. m. Thereafter the 2nd Deed was presented by Flaviano for registration which became the basis of the Certificate of Title of the said property.

Ramiscal Jr filed his first Motion for Reconsideration date February 12, 1999 with a supplemental motion dated May 28, 1999 regarding the findings of the Ombudsman. With this, a panel of prosecutors was tasked to review the records of the case, they found out that Ramiscal Jr., indeed participated in an affixed his signature on the contracts and found probable cause. The Ombudsman acted positively on the findings of the prosecutor and scheduled the arraignment of Ramiscal Jr. Howver, Ramiscal Jr., refused to enter a plea for petitioner on the ground that there is a pending resolution of his second Motion for Reconsideration.

Whether or not the second Motion for Reconsideration is valid and should hold his arraignment.

Whether or not there is probable cause to file a case for violation of Section 3 (e) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and falsification of public documents.

No, Sec 7 of Rule 11 of the Rules provides that only one motion for reconsideration or reinvestigation of an approved order or resolution shall be allowed xxxxx the filing of a motion for reconsideration/reinvestigation shall not bar the filling of the corresponding information in Court on the basis of the finding of probable cause in the resolution subject of the motion.

The arraignment may be suspended under Sec. 11 of Rule 116 of the Rules of Court are: unsoundness of mind, prejudicial question and a pending petition for review of the resolution of the prosecutor in the DOJ in which the suspension shall not exceed 60 days. Ramiscal Jr., failed to show that any of the instances constituting a valid ground for suspension of arraignment obtained in this case.

With respect to the finding of probable cause, it is the Ombudsman who has the full discretion to determine whether or not a criminal case should be filed in the Sandiganbayan, once the case has been filed with the said court, it is the Sandiganbayan, and no longer the Ombudsman which has full control of the case. Ramiscal Jr., failed to establish that Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of discretion, thus, there is probable cause in the filing of the case.


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