The Doubter's Quest: Raising Curiosity about Religion with reference and download (epub format)

I am writing this for persons who had raised a doubt about their religion. I am also encouraging persons who didn't mind thinking about their religion but nevertheless practiced or tolerated the religious practices. Now is the chance to think skeptical about it, whatever answer you find, it will definitely change your future. I was also a doubter once, I want to seek the truth and the reality of this world. I could say I was a closet atheist, I was really scared that other people specially my friends will know that I don't share the same belief as they do. I had hidden the truth and only talked to myself about this for so many years. Until I knew others who share the same ideas. The happiness and relief that you can talk to other persons without the fear of being persecuted was great. After that I resurfaced my doubts and seeked the answers to my question.

During the inception of my doubts I started reading science books. I recommend the books of Stephen Hawking, they are simple and comprehensive books about the history of the universe. Doubters should first start from understanding Science before going to philosophical, psychological and theistic works.

(Download: A Brief History of Time.epub & The Grand Design.epub)

After your minds have been bombarded by the Big Bang and other Scientific theories it is also necessary to have some knowledge about the Theory of Evolution and Theory of Natural Selection. There is no author better than explaining this other than Charles Darwin himself in his book the Origin of Species. You can also find multiple sources from the internet about this topic.

Internet Resources:

(Download: On the Origin of Species.epub)

Before I read about prominent atheist authors I read some parts of the Bible beforehand. I have an epub version but I prefer the hard copy of the original King James Version or the 21st Century King James Version of the bible. 

(Download: The Holy Bible (KJV).epub)

I started with the book titled The God Argument by A.C. Grayling. It was very educational and simple. This book talks about the popular theistic arguments like the Ontological Argument, Cosmological Argument, Teleological Argument, Pascal's Wager and others. My friend recommended to me the book God or Godless? He said that the book like the previous book is about the argument of both sides of the coin.

(Download: The God Argument.epub & God or Godless?.epub)

The next book was made by one of  the most prominent freethinker and renowned scientist of our time Richard Dawkins. His book "The God Delusion" is really an eye opener. In this book he tackled about how religion affects our society with a touch of evolution, philosophy and logical explanation. It is both scientific and philosophical. It is well supplemented by a more specific book The End of Christianity. This book is a consolidation of many great minds of our generation. The topic is about the effect of Christianity in an anthropological and psychological  point of view.

If religion is a delusion then another author says it is a virus. In the book The God Virus the author explains how religion survived in our culture and indoctrinated the majority of the population of the world.

(Download: The God Virus.epub)

The Holy Bible is really not the words of God. It was man-made, and man really did create god in his own image. For the skeptics about bible the best author I could recommend is Bart Ehrman. His books specifically explains the discrepancies of the Holy Book, the history of the Bible and the truth about the prophet and the apostles. In his book "Forged" the author explains that the bible could not be written by the apostles themselves. There were in fact many writers of the bible. I also recommend the Book "Jesus Interrupted" although I haven't started reading it yet.

(Download: Forged.epub& Jesus Interrupted.epub)

I really liked the the book entitled "A Manual for Creating Atheist". It was very fun and educational. This book never bored me. The author narrates his experience as a Street Epistemologist. He narrates his intervention and experience in talking to religious persons.

I hope this materials will be an inspiration to other people. I do not own any rights with this materials and I only found this materials in the internet. I just compiled it for me and for others who are seeking the truth in this world.

I also have a collection of some fictional books about religion and society. I personally like Dan Brown's work of art.



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