Case Digest: Holganza vs Apostol GR No. L- 32953

Holganza, et al. vs Judge Apostol 
GR No. L- 32953                                                 March 31, 1977

SSS filed with the lower court a complaint for damages with writ of preliminary attachments against herein petitioners Holganza, et al. for an alleged labor dispute that resulted in strike by the latter. The latter filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction and with additional objection that the case was filed prematurely. Respondent judge denied the motion to dismiss for lack of merit.

Whether or not regular courts has jurisdiction over cases for damages involving labor disputes?

No, in the case of Associated Labor Union v. Gomez the Supreme Court held that, the exclusive jurisdiction of the CIR (now NLRC) in dispute of this character was upheld. To hold otherwise, is to sanction split jurisdiction, which is obnoxious to the orderly administration of Justice. Also in the case of Progressive labor Association v. Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corp. the Supreme court stressed that to rule that such demand for damages is to be passed by the regular court of justice, instead of leaving the matter to the Court of Industrial Relations, "would be to sanction split jurisdiction, which is prejudicial to the orderly administration of justice. Thus, regular courts has no jurisdiction over cases for damages wherein the facts involves labor disputes.


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