1/144 HG ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam Review

Having started this awesome gunpla hobby this month. I was wonder what would be the first kit that I will buy. After scanning through a series of kits I preferred to buy the 1/144 HG ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam

The difficulty in building the Strike Freedom Gundam, the same is suitable for beginners and the instruction is easy to read. However, I find the colors of the Stike Freedom Gundam lacking, so I tried spray painting it with SHERLUX METALLIC GOLD and BOSNY SILVER. Having no experience doing both the end result is a not so perfect silver-armored gundam. Nevertheless, I find the painted output much better than the unpainted one.

Talking about the joints of the HG build, the head is quite loose, but other than that all joints are tight and has decent room for unique poses. Here is one of the images of my finished product. I hope to learn more about gunpla from other hobbyists.

 For more images of my #StrikeFreedom #gunpla click the link: Strike Freedom Gundam on Instagram


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